May 29th Annual MURPH – open for 1 class only today. 11am.

Join us at 11am.

Scaled, RX, masters welcome. We will have modification for those who need it. We come together today and honor the men and women who have served and still serve our country. Today we dedicate this workout to them!

May 29th

1 Mile run, 100 pullups,200 Push-ups. 300 Squats. 1 mile Run.


In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”.


Calling all CFSWP members, join us for Murph, this Monday at 11am.


  1. Take 15 min to work on gymnastics skill of choice.
  2. 21-15-9 400 meters, Kbs, pull-ups, wall ball situps




Nike passes available June 1st for all CFSWP members, must RSVP with by May 28th.

AND get excited

Bring a Friend Party is tonight! 7pm.


  1. EMOM 10 5-8 reps Even pullups, Odd Dips
  2. 21-15-9 wallballs, box jumps, DB burpee


5/24 WOD

Bring a friend party is going to rock with these additional raffle prizes!

This Thur 7, pm!

Join in on the fun. Be a part of it all. Thank YOU Lucy Clothing for the Bring a friend day giveaways.



Emom10 BS 1 pause, 1 regular

5 round

200M run, 2x 7T2B, 100Msled Pull load up 1/2 bodyweight