That moment you realize that you are worth it….

That moment you realize that you are worth it….

Changes everything❤️

It’s not about looks, it’s about how you feel, your health and energy knowing you are worth the investment!

All ladies bootcamp is 3 weeks away. Pm me to learn how you can save your spot!

Or join our nutrition only program!

Why didn’t I start sooner coach?

one thing that people tell me when they come to boot camp is
why didn’t I start this earlier?

Why was I so afraid?

They go on to say…

The environment is so moving and lifting.

The encouragement and empowerment from the group

makes it so fun even though its work. It feels good.

and seeing you all get stronger and glowing is MY WHY, my Passion.

Here is to you and crushing your goals.

Coach S

In the business of saving lives. ❤

a few spots left, pm me to RSVP.

Coach S

Who is ready to see BIG changes and get some BIG results this Spring.

Who is ready to see BIG changes and get some BIG results this Spring.

Who is also ready to say F* Fear! F* Self Doubt and breaktrough these barriers.

I have worked with 100s of women just like you and you all have some pretty awesome goals and some big amazing dreams inside and if fear is in the way….we have a plan for you to get results in a FUN Friendly Supportive environment to dissolve it! 

With coaching and training with me…


Learn how to set goals, create a vision, go after them, and sometimes this means dealing with your fears/confidence/self doubt


overcome those doubts.

through mindset and success exercises and empowerment♥

and so much more …

Many of my client in my Transformation Bootcamp, Get Ripped or nutrition are having some pretty amazing results and are rockstars!♥

Know that you are powerful, you are worth it.

You have the power to push through any barriers that is in your way.

You have the power to use your self doubt or fear and get everything you want!

I believe in you.

Learn how to crush it.

contact me today to set up a free phone consult or better yet sign up in our upcoming Get Ripped and Nutrition program or our small group all ladies transformation boot camp.

Together we are better and can do more!

We are stronger Together!

Coach Shannon Weiland

In the business of changing lives♥


If you take anything away from reading this let it be this…

Your goal when preparing a meal should be to pick a protein and some veggies, plus a starch if you need the additional carbs. Eat real food and keep it simple.

Now let’s break it down.


For example, say you want to prep 5 lunches for the week. You could stop there and just make enough food for 5 lunches. That’s a great place to start!!

To take it a step further, divide up your daily macros to make sure your prepped meals will keep you on track to hit your goals.

Based on your daily macro goals, you should have some idea of your macro “meal goals” are.

For example, if your protein goal is 150g.

Let’s say you eat only 4 meals a day so each meal needs to have about 38g protein (150/4) to hit target.

If you workout in the morning so lunch is not your post-workout meal then having a larger percent of your carbs post workout for breakfast, keeping the fat percentage in mind.

Hitting fats for me is never a problem so I’m not going to worry about adding in any extra fats

Think about your meal timing and personal preferences here to decide what exactly you want to cook.

Planning for I need to make 5 lunches, each with at least 38g of protein and 50-60g carbs depending on my carb cycling days.


If you followed the additional notes above to calculate your macro meal goals, you should be able to do some quick MFPal wizardry to figure out how much of your favorite proteins and carbs to cook.

To make it easier, use the lists below to choose what to prepare.

Choose 1-2 PROTEIN sources from this list to cook & season to your liking:

Chicken Breast
Turkey Breasts
Ground Turkey
Grass Fed Beef
Wild Game

Choose 1-2 CARBOHYDRATE sources from this list to cook & season to your liking:

ALL the veggies
Gluten Free Oats- bloated me so I use cream of rice gluten free
Beans/Lentils- these bloat the heck out of me so I use seldomly
Sweet Potatoes/Yams
White/Red Potatoes

If you tend to run low on fats, consider preparing, portioning out, or cooking your carbs/proteins with some of these FATS:**count your cooking oil

Natural Nut Butters
Tree nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, etc.)
Seeds (chia, flax, pumpkin, etc.)
Coconut Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Grass Fed Butter

**Beware that fats are the most calorie dense macro at 9 calories per gram of fat. Make sure you are weighing/measuring fats accurately to not go bust on your fat/calorie goals.


Take over your kitchen using a recipe from below or just gather your favorite sauces and seasonings. Then, cook your ingredients, mix and match, and portion out into individual (non-plastic) containers to hit your meal goals. Not too complicated after all, right?!

No meal prep blog is complete without some recipes! Here are my go-to food prep ideas broken down by meal.


Instant oatmeal or cream of rice gluten free
I always opt for half egg whites & half egg to get an extra protein boost)
Egg scrambled
Egg muffins
Green smoothie
GF cereal with ripple protein milk, sprinkled with casein protein (post workout breakfast)
Avocado and Egg Bowls
Cream of rice with cinnamon and 2 drops stevia


Turkey burger w/ if u have far left add cheese on top of a greens salad with sweet potato (I also like kirklands, Trader Joe’s abs Applegate’s frozen organic turkey burgers)

Shredded chicken, steamed broccoli, rice
Chicken in the slow cooker 3 ways:
Curry chicken – 1 lb. chicken breast, ½ can coconut milk, 1 T curry powder, 1 T cumin. Set to high for 4 hours.
Hawaiian chicken – 1.5 lb chicken breast, 1 can BBQ sauce, 1 can crushed pineapple. Set to high for 4 hours.
My fav simple chicken – chicken breast, drizzled with olive oil, seasoned with salt, pepper, and rosemary.

Use your choice of chicken from above to top a mixed greens salad with sliced veggies

Taco Salad (on p. 23 in the BBP Recipe Guide)
Spicy Tuna Wraps

Carnitas Lunch Bowl
Stuffed Bell Peppers (on p. 33 in the BBP Recipe Guide)

Chili – choose toppings as needed to hit your macros
Steak, asparagus, yellow potatoes
Salmon, rice, beets (again, look for Fish People kits in your freezer section)
Meatza (on p. 39 in the BBP Recipe Guide)
Roasted Chicken & Veggies
Stir Fry like this one – or make your own with sliced veggies, protein choice from above, and simple sauces/seasonings, over a bed of white rice

Spiralized Pad Thai

Hard Boiled Eggs
Rice cakes topped with nut butter/powdered PB & fruit
Sliced veggies & hummus
Cottage cheese sprinkled with everything but the bagel seasoning and cucumber
Greek yogurt & fruit
Any of these high protein snacks
Tuna salad
Roasted Chickpeas
Meal prep doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t have to require hours of slaving away in the kitchen on your Sunday Funday. Keep it simple by focusing your meal prep on veggies and protein and modify as necessary for your individual preferences and macros.

Once you get the hang of it, most of your meal prep can be done in an hour or two.

That small chunk of time can make your diet more nutritious, save you time throughout the week, and save you from temptation daily – all while getting you to your goals faster!

To Lock Down YOUR Macros and Specific Nutritional Needs, So That Your Meal Prep Matches The Intake That Allows Your Body To Transform, While Getting Coached, Supported and Held Accountable email me to set up your nutrition plan.

6-14 WOD

Amrap 12
In teams of 2

1. 250M row   (Partner A rows)
8 burpee to plate, 10 db snatch (Partner B)
->switch when partner A finishes 250M.

2. In teams of two, you go I go. (101 in teams of 2)
Time cap 15
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 wall balls
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 toe to bar


6-13 WOD

1. EMOM 10:

Even: BackSquat 5,

Odd: 30 Sec Superman

2.For Time:
1 Round of Kelly
2 Rounds of Helen
1 Round of Kelly

Kelly: 400 Meter Run, 30 Box Jumps (24/20), 30 Wallballs (20/14) 
Helen: 400 Meter Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35), 12 Pull-ups